On Authentic Christian Conversion

How does one become a Christian?

By believing the testimony about Jesus, either directly from the New Testament or indirectly from the proclamation of the NT testimony by another. This is the only way, outside of direct revelation by God or angels sent by God (should these occur today).

Certainly if one truly believes, he or she fully believes. And if one fully believes, he or she will certainly bear the evidence of that belief, the most basic of which is glad surrender to the lordship of Christ. But it is the belief, the faith, the complete trust in Jesus Christ the Son of God as revealed in the Scriptures which witness to Him, through which we are justified and saved from eternal condemnation.

What a simple truth, and yet an insurmountable stumbling block to the proud and faithless.

"So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ" (Romans 10:17).


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