Edification is Empowerment

Two-thirds of the way through Charles ("Chuck") Colson's latest book, The Faith: What Christians Believe, Why They Believe It, and Why It Matters (co-authored by Harold Fickett), I am struck by the power of his numerous illustrations that bring the book to life. Though he intends, without a doubt, for the book to issue in change (that is, repentance) for the Church, his method is astonishingly ironic. Rather than levying weighty, prophetic criticisms on the Church (or the reader), he simply relates story after real-life story of God's redemptive grace working powerfully in and through His Church. The former may, at best, convict for a time. But the latter convicts as well as empowers. Oh, that I would learn this invaluable lesson--and sooner, rather than later. Oh, the power of edification! Rebuke may do its job in bringing the proud to their knees, but testimony to the triumph of Christ over Satan in the world ignites believers for the work of the Gospel--to the glory of His grace!


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