CT Interviews Louie Giglio about Passion City Church

CT's Sarah Eekhoff Zylstra interviewed premier college ministry guru Louie Giglio about the recent launch (2/15) of Passion City Church in Atlanta.

I'm excited to see what God does... where He leads. Some great quotes from the interview:
We're concerned about whether the presence of God is noticeable and active in our gathering because people don't need an event, they don't need a show. People don't need famous worship leadership. They need a life-changing transaction with their Creator. That's what people want.

Our church is a church where people have life-changing encounters with God. When you come to Passion City Church, you'll know that we're here to exalt God, to paint a picture of him, to be people who are humbled before him, to express him to the city and to the world.
We lose the focus when we begin to think first about people.
So we try to first think about God.

What questions would you ask Louie and Co. if you had the opportunity?

Do you find your church focusing on people first, or God first?
Is focusing on Christian growth/maturity the same as focusing on God, or is it basically just focusing on a different group of people (believers as opposed to seekers)?

More on the Passion movement at the 268generation site. I've written about my experience with the movement and how it's shaped my life and ministry here, here, and here.


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