YOUR Encounter With Jesus

Through the employment of a survey on his blog, a good friend of mine has inspired me to conduct a survey of my own, albeit much simpler and more subjective. Would you like to participate in it? There's only one question, and you may answer it however you wish.

THIS IS YOUR BIG MOMENT to be the star of my blog! :-D

Here's the question:

In 300 words or less, how did you come to encounter Jesus Christ as sovereign God, Lord of your life, and Savior of your eternal soul? [Was there a particular person or group who was particularly instrumental in your encounter? What were the circumstances leading up to and the context specific to your conversion?]

Tell us your story. There's no need for embellishment, either for theological purposes or entertainment factor. "Just the facts," as they say. Every story is unique and divinely orchestrated. Go ahead... we want to hear it!And here is the rest of it.


  1. There is certainly no danger of entertainment in my story. In fact, usually when I want to give my testimony, I'll tell about how I was called into ministry, or called to start The Core, rather than my salvation story.

    I was born at a young age (ba-dump-ching!) into a Christian home. I was taught about Jesus and the Bible all throughout my childhood. Around the ages of 6 and 7 I went up to the altar in Children's Church numerous times to be saved... usually because I felt bad for the Children's Pastor when he would have an altar call and nobody was responding.

    But although I said the sinner's prayer many times, I don't think that any of those times really represented a "turning point" for me. In fact, I don't believe I had a turning point... I believe I grew into my belief in God, and into his grace on my life, and I still am.

    I suppose I'm a living testimony that we shouldn't always expect people to have a specific moment of salvation, even adults. It is not my responsibility to know the exact time when I went from lost to saved... it is more than enough for me to know that I'm saved now, and I believe this is a good perspective for anyone.

  2. Dude, that was TOO entertaining! Mostly the part about the Children's Pastor. I laughed out loud.

    I have a pretty good hunch that there are a lot more stories like yours than not. Unfortunately, many people never have either a "turning point" or an ongoing revelation of God and growth in His grace, but rather die out. My mom would always say that she may not be able to tell you the moment when God saved her, but she could tell you that at that moment she believed with all her heart, mind, and soul that Jesus is Lord, and that was good enough for her.

    Right on with that, bro. Thanks for sharing.

    I think 200 words was too restrictive. I'm gonna up it to 300. :)


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