Acts 29 Boot Camp comes to Chicago!

Church planters and wannabe church planters... Mark your calendars and make your plans. One of the premier (if not the premier) missional church planting agencies in the U.S., Acts 29 Network, is bringing their hallmark event--the Acts 29 Bootcamp--to the Midwest this January. It will take place Tuesday, January 29, 2008 - Wednesday, January 30 at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Deerfield, Illinois. Though it is required for those applying for affiliation with A29, it is open to anyone with an interest in Gospel-centered, missional church planting.

Get the details.


  1. I didn't think you were so hot on Acts 29 since they're so insistent on the doctrine of predestination.

  2. Now there's no sense in throwing the proverbial baby out with the bath water, is there? ;-) I was definitely jaded at the time we got rejected, but the fact remains that, when it comes to gospel-centered, missional church planting, there are few, if any, organizations that do as good of a job.

    Probably 80% of Trinity's faculty are Reformed. Harvest's two teaching pastors (I found out) are Reformed, though they don't push it (but don't shy from it when it comes up). The vast majority of non-Catholic, non-Orthodox churches up here are one flavor or another of Reformed. Presbyterians, Lutherans, Episcopalians, and Anglicans pretty well have an oligopoly on Protestant churches up here. What few Baptists do exist also tend to be Calvinistic, as do many of the E-Free and non-denominational churches. So basically, I've had to learn to get used to drawing from the positives of the Reformed perspective, while letting alone the parts that drive me nuts.


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