Deconstructionists are Disingenuous

Why the heck do they insist on writing books and articles if language is not referential and authorial intent indiscernible (to state it lightly)? Their pessimism is arrogant and self-blinding. Thank God they deconstruct themselves so we don't have to.


  1. Hi Matt,

    I just got your comment on my blog. Yeah, I'm doing a ThM in ST at TEDS. I'm writing a thesis on the atonement and the kingdom of God. Does that line up with some of your interests? Good to connect. Take care.

    Jeremy Treat

  2. Hey, thanks for stopping by. I'm on the pastoral track, and actually am pretty burnt out on theology. Largest on my radar for the foreseeable future are determinism/indeterminism and theodicy/the problem of evil. Basically, trying to get a handle on a biblically and logically coherent Christian theological system, so that I can be confident in teaching the Word as a pastor.

    God speed.


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