A Two-way Street: A Collaborative Outreach to Barack Obama

Many of you read my recently posted "Open Letter to Barack Obama", which I had ambitions of circulating for signatures and eventually getting under the eyes of President-Elect Obama. However, Jim Wallis of Sojourners and others have beat me to the punch. Praise God, actually. He is galvanizing an impressive array of Christian leaders from across the spectrum to petition Obama to take seriously his pledges to unite this very divided country in very real ways. Exactly what I am pleading for. Wallis's letter to Obama is here, with links to the "memos, letters, and reflections" of these leaders, among whom are Bono, Richard Land, Lynne Hybels, Shane Claiborne, Brian McLaren, Nicholas Kristof, just to name a few. I have yet to read them, so cannot yet offer any impressions or analysis, but the effort itself is unbelievably encouraging. I hope you take the time to peruse a few of them, and I shall as soon as my books are read and papers handed in.

shalom b 'eretz


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