
Having kids is such an incredible experience that I wouldn't trade for the world. They light up your day and keep you from taking yourself too seriously.

Madelyn quote of the day:

"Mommy, I'm happy!"

She has also taken an affinity to David Crowder. Scary, I know. Apparently, she hears "Everything Glorious" on the radio and just starts singing along... "You are glori-ou-ous, You are glori-ou-ous!" Just now the song came on in the other room and she looked at me wide-eyed and exclaimed, "Davy Crowder, Daddy!" and ran in there to sing and dance.

Isn't life great? If you don't have any munchkins, boy are you missing out! :-D

Oh, I forgot about the part about having to clean up her 'accident' first thing this morning. She's potty training. :-)

Have a glorious, happy day!


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