Community: The physical, incarnate presence of Jesus Christ in the world

If I had to describe the vision of God for His Church in one word it would be this: incarnate.

Our vision is to see Center City Springfield be literally transformed into a community of Christian love and expression—a haven for the weary and broken-hearted, a refuge for the oppressed and exploited, a place where the name of Jesus Christ is not only proclaimed but His life embodied. When you understand what the true incarnation of Jesus in His Church looks like, it seems impossible in our day and age. But tell me something. If this is God’s will for the Church—and we believe it is—is it impossible? I think we know the answer to that. It’s found in Luke 1:37 among other places. “For nothing is impossible with God!” Do you believe it? No, really. Do you trust it? Is your life proof that you trust Him? We know that “without faith it is impossible to please God.” Therefore, if we do not believe that God can make His vision for His Church happen, then we lack faith and dishonor God.

The ministry of Jesus and his early followers, particularly described in Acts 2:42-47, is the inspiration of this vision. It’s nothing new. Churches have used these scriptures as foundational for hundreds of years. What God has been revealing to me, however, is a deeper evaluation of the Church’s place and face in Western civilization in light of these scriptures. Let’s look at the core concepts and evaluate the current standing of the typical American church in comparison to these passages.

“They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone was filled with awe, and many wonders were done by the apostles. All the believers were together and had everything in common. Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.”– Acts 2:42-47

Wow! Take a few seconds and try to picture such a church in your mind…

Now, picture the churches you have been a part of up to this point in your life. How do they compare? Most churches have lots of teaching in various forms—Sunday school, sermons, Bible studies. But how much focus is there on one-on-one discipleship, or mentoring, for each member? Most churches also have “fellowships” of some sort or another every so often. But is this what the Bible describes as fellowship?

The rest of this passage describes the kind of commitment we are to have to fellowship. We have certainly gotten the food part right! But the frequency is what stands out to me. These believers fellowshipped daily! And it was more than just eating and talking about the weather. It was sharing concerns, needs, questions of faith, encouragement and rebuke. I am not suggesting we hold “church services” every day or that all members will be expected to commit to meeting daily with the church body. I am pleading for us to commit ourselves much more strongly to one another than we currently do.

The recent emphasis on small groups of some churches is the greatest step we have taken in a while. But statistics show that “worship services” are still the main attraction. A mere 20% of church-goers are actively committed to a true small group (which is quite different from a traditional “Sunday school” class). That also tends to be the group that carries out the vast majority of the ministry of the Church. The rest just sit in the nosebleed section and watch.

While fellowship tends to involve food, how many Church communities eat together more than once a week? How often do you have dinner with members of your church? And when you do, how much of your conversation “praises God”? Finally, does the Church as a whole enjoy the favor of the public at large? Well, it enjoys the favor of the majority of the population in America who consider themselves “Christian” (which accounts for over half of Americans!). But what about the non-Christian public? What about the people at your workplace? What about the people who work at the restaurants and stores you frequent on Sunday afternoon? What about amongst the poor and destitute, homosexuals, the intellectual community? What about the foreign nations who view America as a “Christian nation” that represents God? Does our culture (largely comprised of self-proclaimed Christians) reflect Christ? Does our foreign and domestic policy of power, domination, and wealth at all costs reflect Christ to the world?

A humble, well-informed, well-reasoned evaluation of the outside perception of the Church should reveal that we have strayed far from the Church’s previous reputation as being a safe haven from fighting, hurting, and exploitation. There are a number of reasons for that. The main reason is that in many ways most churches have replaced being the Church with “doing church”. But it didn’t happen overnight. It happened as our values shifted over time. Today’s society—and Christians, by and large, are no exception—values success, progress and prosperity above anything else, whether we realize it or not. Parents are so consumed with “providing the best for their family” that they neglect the most important thing they can provide—themselves. With families having so little time to spend together, how much time do we have to spend in true Biblical community with the Body of Christ? How much time do we have to spend studying the scriptures? We can chisel out enough time to attend an hour and a half service once or twice a week at most—three times for the most committed. But on an integral, day-by-day basis? We’re just too busy to be the Church—going to church is all too convenient.

We’re not merely interested in starting a “hip” new ministry with better programs, more cutting-edge music, a greater appreciation of the arts, or “postmodern” methodology. God’s calling for us, right here and now, stops nothing short of a reevaluation and reprioritizing of the very values that inscribe the decisions and drive the activities of our lives. Read that sentence again... This includes our careers, our schedules, our plans for the future, the use of our time and finances, everything that God has entrusted us with as stewards. There is no part of our lives that does not fall under the jurisdiction of God.

God never said the way of the cross was the most convenient, practical, safe, secure, certain way to go. The path of the cross is narrow, hard, painful and uncertain. The only certainty we have is of heaven (and if Ruth Graham is right, it is likely that about 80% of church-goers are lost!). Paradoxically, it is this road alone that provides the most complete joy we can obtain.

If the way of the cross is not what you seek, then you will not fit into the vision of this movement in any way, form or fashion. And if the road you’re traveling is based more on financial security, notoriety, personal pleasure (or anything else for that matter) than a wholehearted, surrendered passion to follow hard after Jesus all the days of your life, then you are traveling the wide and crooked road that leads to destruction, not the way of the Cross of Jesus Christ. Money and power are America’s gods, and she’s not ashamed of it. She proclaims allegiance to them from every rooftop. Our present society is built on the values of cut-throat capitalism more than it is built upon the principles of Jesus. Jesus tells us in Matthew 6:24 that we cannot serve two gods. We can’t claim to pledge allegiance to God when we pledge allegiance anyone or anything else. That is the truly revolutionary message of the Gospel. It’s all or nothing. What are the implications of that? We don’t pretend for a moment that the answers are easy to find, let alone to put into practice. But that’s what we hope to explore and live out in the context of The Core.

You don’t have to take my word on all this. There are hundreds of books written about these issues. Here’s a good start:

§ The McDonaldization of Society by George Ritzer provides an overview of our society’s values.
§ Mustard Seed vs. McWorld by Tom Sine applies McDonaldization Theory to the Church.
§ Christianity Incorporated and The Church as Counterculture by Michael Budde and Robert Brimlow et al, describe the Church’s substitution of the surrounding cultural values for the values of Jesus.
§ The Celtic Way of Evangelism by George Hunter III describes the Irish Celtic Christian movement of St. Patrick and compares their pre-Christian, barbarian culture to our current cultural situation.
§ The Younger Evangelicals by Robert Webber takes an in-depth look at this culture and it’s implications for the Church.
§ In Seizing Your Divine Moment and The Barbarian Way, Erwin R. McManus challenges his readers to live lives of radical faith in a great God no matter what the cost.

While these books provide a tremendous amount of insight to contribute to this discussion, they are merely the tip of the iceberg of resources that address this issue. The fact of the matter is, the direction God is leading us has not been determined on a whim, but on a foundation, first, of prayer, and second, of solid academic and theological research and analysis—all undergirded, most importantly, by the Word of God. If the conclusions presented here don’t compute for you, then let’s talk about it. Furthermore, explore God’s word through a new lens, venture out into a few of these books and explore for yourself. And never stop learning. Too often we get to a place where we think we have things all figured out— or we quit trying, because it’s too much work. But we, as Christians, don’t have either of those options while we’re still here on this earth.

Even if you are committed to another church body or are distant from Center City Springfield, you still play a vital role in this movement. It’s called your Jerusalem. This vision is not just for this church, but for the Church as a whole. You can be instrumental in carrying out the vision right where you are. If you know someone in this area who would embrace the calling of this church, send them our way. If you experience a leading of the Holy Spirit to physically join us in some way in Center City, we invite you to join God where He leads you.

Right now we are in the process of building a core group (no pun intended) of disciples and urban missionaries to build relationships with non-believers, tend to their needs and disciple them into mature faith. As I said previously, your insight is valuable—in fact, vital—to the success of this movement. One voice crying in the wilderness just isn’t going to cut it this time. But unless I’m delusional, I’ve been hearing lots of cries in the wilderness lately from people who are tired of serving a little god in a box and ready to give their lives in service of the indescribable, uncontainable, incomparable, God of endless possibility and pleasure.

God is moving. Are you going to join Him or sit in the nosebleed section and watch? God is producing a grand drama (in which He is the star, of course!). Are you going to play a supporting role in His Great Story, or keep starring in your own little story?

We have heard a lot of interest, but very few people are willing to commit to completely abandoning their agendas for lives for the sake of the Gospel. As I previously suggested, if you’re intent on fitting the Body of Christ into your schedule, rather than fitting your life around the Body of Christ, this is not for you. But if my words have been an encouragement and motivation to you rather than a brutal assault on your self-esteem, then get on board. (Choo-choooo!)

Your gifts are welcomed, celebrated and needed for the church to function as a healthy body. Each and every one of us has valuable gifts from God which are vital for the health of the Body. Without our giftings being utilized to their fullest potential, the community will not see a true picture of Christ and our message is incomplete and skewed.

We have found a peculiar dilemma on our hands. This movement needs committed, mature, passionate Christians to join in and carry it. But everyone who fits that description seems to be committed to and involved in a church already! What I’m asking is, are you willing to step out and give your life to a new work in Center City Springfield? If so, give me a call or drop me an e-mail. Please commit this to prayer, study, discussion and anything else you need to make a wise and wholehearted decision. If you just want to check it out or learn more, then by all means do so. May the Spirit of God lead you, and may you submit to Him wherever He leads.

Grace, peace and love,



  1. One of the things that concerns me is the slight difference (in all practicality) between the model you propose and the cell-church model. I read Ted Haggard's book "Dog Training, Fly Fishing" and I would recommend the Cliff's Notes to anyone. Great concepts, not a great read. But as home churches are formed, and interact with one another, and hold common property, isn't there a danger in becoming just another institutional church that expects everyone to belong to a cell group? Is it like greasing the slope... everyone slides to the bottom eventually?

    And if we did, what's the difference? Who's to say that the "cell church" model isn't God's ideal for His earthly kingdom. Ted Haggard seems to be doing pretty well (25,000 strong and growing.)

  2. Are you concerned that the vision is too similar to a "cell-church" model, or that it's too different? Your last sentence seems to indicate the latter, but i'm just double-checking.

    Are you interpreting the verses i listed from Acts to mean that having "everything in common" meant that everything was commonly owned? If that's the case, i'd be more concerned that it would end up a 1970s-ish, hippy-like, commune cult than another "institution".

    As far as "sliding to the bottom" goes, if pure, Christlike love and holiness for the Church is at the bottom, i'm all for slides. But can i make a request? Can we make it a water slide with a big pool at the bottom?

  3. I'm not really saying that it's too similar or too different. But I am saying that it's similar. I have had several people ask me what the difference is between the House Church Network model and the Cell Church model. And I have wondered along with them whether having a "common-ground" space would just turn into an institutional church with lots of cell groups (what we're calling home churches.) Maybe hundreds of movements have started out over the course of Christendom to "de-institutionalize" the church and, once they all start owning property and paying employees and having large services for the whole group, they lose the vision. Although I'm not a fan of communism, I am not inherently against the 70's and the hippies. They certainly got some things right. But even they eventually became everything they hated once the 80's (the "ME" decade) rolled around. This is what I fear when it comes to the House Church Movement.

  4. Good post :)

    Off topic: beloved, I just read your profile and noticed you have a little chickadee around the same age as my youngest - Aliyah was born 6/29 of this year. I love this age.

    Back to topic: First of all, I'm not opposed to much of anything when it comes to church structure. I think home churches, mega churches, microchurches, institutionalized churches with cell groups, "communes", etc. all have their place depending on their locale and culture but most importantly the call.

    The only time I get concerned is when people are more committed to the structure that they are about the people. When they attend to keeping their ideas intact more than they attend to their relationship with Jesus and with loving others.

    David and I personally would not attend nor work at a mega church at this season in our lives/ministry. But not because we believe they are inherantly wrong or bad.

    We would also not attend nor start a cluster of house churches - again, not because we believe they are wrong or bad.

    Right now, we are part of a 300 member congregation that is under the covering of a large international organization and we are starting a second service for that church that will have it's own identity - I can't even give it a lable because there really isn't one. We forsee the possibility of the second service becoming a church plant stemming from our larger body when our larger body moves to a new location.

    I personally have only seen a true house church movement thrive in places like India - everwhere else I've seen they either become errant, they flounder and ultimately fail or they end up "merging" and becoming more of a "cell church" type thing.

    I suspect when we go to Russia and other such places, we will adopt more of a house church model.

    I pray that you all move in God's direction no matter how it looks and that you succeed in your vision to be missional in Springfield (by the way, my aunt and uncle live in Springfield..small world) - loving the unlovable and revealing a relevant God to the urban areas of your city.

    Fight the good fight!

  5. Fisher,

    Good to hear from you. Glad you made it through my blog without falling asleep. :)

    Thank you for your passion for "moving in God's direction, however that looks". That is totally my heartbeat... our heartbeat. Moving in His direction... not only that, in HIM... and in His direction alone. Whatever structures, methods, theologies, and decisions draw us closer to Him and draw us further into the advancement of His kingdom, i say that is what we all are called to, whatever that may look like.

    I think the key to what many disillusioned Christians have been missing most of their lives is this "incarnate community" that they read about throughout the New Testament. They are missing that place where people are who they are, but not only that. They are missing that place where transformation is taking place. Transformation, nothing more and nothing less, is the aim of the Gospel, the will of God. Conformation to Jesus Christ is His goal. Yes, here on this earth.

    Statistics show that in most ways, the lives of so-called Christians are no different from non-Christians. Their habits are the same. Their family lives are the same. Their goals and life-driving decisions are the same. They might have a different flavor of icing, but the cake is still the same.

    That said, i am not altogether against organized Church or denominations necessarily. God uses everything for the good of those who love Him and are called by Him. BAM, that's straight from the Word. Also straight from the Word is the fact that He loves us, welcomes (forgiven) sinners into His kingdom, and puts up with our shenanegans here on earth every day. But He still desires, in fact, commands perfection.


    He wants us to strive after Him and His kingdom, yes, here on this earth. And when anything, anything at all, comes in the way of that, then we have to do away with it. For many, overly rigid religious structures get in the way of God's glory being revealed to and through them. They snuff the fire of the spirit, water down the creative juices inside of us, box in the passion that's waiting to erupt from our lives. They take the responsibility AND opportunity of the gospel out of the hands of the Christian minister and into the hands of the professional pastor.

    Now, what i am NOT saying is that every church within a denomination or with a structure of hierarchy or with official leadership positions and titles achieves these results. There are a few out there who are following God's call to embody the Gospel in a real, wholehearted way. But for the majority, the temptation is to "come to church" and watch someone else be spiritual, and that's it. Again, i have nothing against preaching to crowds or rocking auditoriums of thousands of worshippers. I am absolutely ministered to through these avenues. Even as a leader, i love nothing more than to be led to the throne of God by a leader who is zealously and excellently pursuing Him and calling me to do the same.

    What breaks my heart is when we pass by the same people, week after week, smile and say hello, pat them on the back, and never really know who they are, what struggles they're going through, what needs they have, and how i could help meet those needs. You know why? Not only do i see it all the time, i have experienced it for much of my life. And more and more people are "coming out of the closet" with the same confession.

    If you can achieve the kind of Christian community described in Acts through a mega church or a cell-group church or a medium sized church or a house church or a combination of the above or something entirely different, then go for it. So long as the spirit is free to move like the wind. So long as the structure isn't so rigid that things can't change on a whim if and when God says so... so long as it doesn't take 10 or 20 or even 2 years to make a significant change in obedience to God, then i'm all for it.

    You know how that scripture goes, "Where the Spirit of the Lord is THERE IS FREEDOM!" Wow! Not "there SHOULD BE freedom", but "there IS freedom"! Likewise, if there is not freedom, then the Spirit of the Lord is not there. I don't know about you, but i want to be where the Spirit is. I want to be where the Freedom is.

    By the grace of God, we are free.




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