Emerging Adulthood and Christian Faith

Fascinating interview with sociologist Christian Smith on young, or "emerging," adults and Christianity in CT today. Smith has authored Souls in Transition: the Religious & Spiritual Lives of Emerging Adults, a follow up to the teen-focused book he coauthored with Melinda Lundquist Denton, Soul Searching: The Religious and Spiritual Lives of American Teenagers (April 2009).
I thought there were several observations worth chewing on. The opening quote by Alexis de Tocqueville was premier among them:
"When there is no authority in religion or in politics, men are soon frightened by the limitless independence with which they are faced. They are worried and worn out by the constant restlessness of everything."
Smith describes emerging adults as "[enjoying] more options for work, marriage, and location than perhaps any previous generation" and "one of the most self-focused, confused, and anxious age groups, led into an 'adultolescence' that prevents a majority from committing to people and institutions."
[That certainly resonates with my experience, even as a devout Christian, husband of six years, and father of two!]
He then discusses several societal trends over the past few decades that contribute to these characteristics.
"The most important factor" in nurturing "a high faith commitment" into emerging adulthood, he says, is parents. He also cites robust personal devotional lives (esp. consistent prayer and Bible reading/study) as a strong protective factor (to use a sociological term) for robust emerging adult faith (and the absence of such, a strong risk factor).
He highlights the importance of intellectual and relational engagement by churches and campus ministries during emerging adults' college and post-college years, and of the priority of weaving them into the social fabric of the church.
He cites "emerging" forms of church as connecting with this group, while acknowledging the relative lack of overall impact (numerically) of emerging churches among emerging adults. I would add that megachurches appear to be a sizable draw, though I wonder about assimilation and continuity.
Responses to the article or to my thoughts?


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