"20 Characteristics of a Church Planter"

Scott Thomas of Acts 29 Network posted this list at their blog, an update and expansion of the list he published a little over a year ago (see my previous post). Can't find anything with which to disagree (but see Ryan's comment on my previous post), though if I assessed myself rigorously, I'd have to admit I come up short on at least a couple of them, and most of them are a work in progress.


  1. I followed your link, and went back and read my former comment on this topic. I will grant now that the Acts 29 list doesn't deserve quite as severe a redressing as I gave it before. I can see that the list is intended to serve the question of "is there a genuine calling?" and not to drown it out.

    I think we'd be wise to remember Moses, Gideon, and most of Jesus' disciples when we consider new leaders. Men call those with the most ability. God calls those with the most availability. To rely too much on a list of abilities to confirm God's calling may be unwise.

    Finally, the list seems to describe a person who has "arrived" in virtually every facet of life. There doesn't seem to be any sense of journey, or seeking or striving. I know it's not because these things are not valued by those who contributed to the list, but I really think it ought to be apparent on the list itself.

  2. What you just mentioned are my concerns about the whole notion. Even Darrin Patrick, at Acts 29's bootcamp at Trinity last year, acknowledged that no one fully measures up to these criteria, including himself. At the same time, many of the criteria are possible to meet this side of heaven. When I consider the massive failure rate of new church starts, and I hear church planting gurus say that the #1 factor in a church plant's success is the planter (his calling and gifting by God, his sensitivity to God's direction, etc.), it makes me take a list like this a lot more seriously... particularly when those who have proven successful planters exhibit these characteristics (even if imperfectly).

    And, by the way, you're right on the money with your observation about a list like this serving the larger question of calling.

    Your point that God maximizes His strength in our weakness is also well taken and wise to heed.


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