Third Places Gathering

UPDATE: The Core website is up-and-running again (Wow Ryan, you're fast... not that I would know... we've never raced.) You can now follow the link to Ryan's third places spiel.

This evening, I spent a couple hours with Pernell Goodyear, pastor of the Freeway Missional Community in Hamilton, Ontario, along with a couple dozen other missionally minded folks from Chicagoland (and a couple from Indiana, whom I sat next to), at Life on the Vine Christian Community (I also met a very cool lady from Trinity named Angela, afterwards). You can probably guess what we talked about... DING DING DING! Missional community! specific, "third places". Great concept. Totally in line with our vision (now basically his, but i still try to claim it from afar) for the Front Porch (OK, the pictures will have to do for now, until the website is fixed). Totally KEY to building missional communities, or as I like to call them, incarnational communities... not necessarily monastic communities, or intentional communities in the purest sense... but authentic, physical and spiritual communities of Christians who are committed to living out the holistic Gospel within the context of the surrounding culture.

I need not say more for now. Just go read the article, if you haven't already. I sent Ryan a link to the third places article, and he blogged about it, so I'd send you there to read his too, except his blog seems to have crashed or something. Something...has gone...terribly...wrong. Ryan, I'll give you props once it's up and running again.

Thanks to Pernell for coming, to LOTV for hosting, and to up/rooted for coordinating... MOST OF ALL, to JESUS for saving. Without HIM, none of this makes a blip of a difference. WITH him, it makes all the difference.



  1. Hey Beloved,

    You'll be happy to know everything's up and running again. Turns out 1 and 1 (The Core's web server) tried to charge the old card for our next six months of service, and when they didn't get their money THAT DAY, they shut off the lights, so to speak. So after a few conversations, and about an hour on hold, I got everything back together. Thanks for your concern ;-)

    P.S. You may notice that I actually fixed a problem with the site while I was at it... now the buttons change color when you mouse over them. That was supposed to happen from the beginning but never did. Unfortunately the "Front Porch" button shifts something awful... got more work to do this evening.


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