CT Articles: Lesbian Redemption Story

Hello again. I wanted to make a plug for another Christianity Today article that inspired me today. This one is about former lesbian, editor of Venus Magazine for African American gays and lesbians. Jesus has gotten ahold of her life, now she's using the magazine for His glory. She's being persecuted for it, but she's standing. That's what happens when you stand on The Rock--through all of the wind and floods, you stand!

Dear Church, we need to hear these stories. Jesus Christ changes lives! He reaches down into the most hopeless, confused, and unlikely places and pulls out children whom He adopts as His own. Are you in one of these places? Reach out your hands to Him in desperation and faith. He will pull you out! Do you know someone in one of these places? Reach out to them! Share this story with them. Be Jesus to them. If you don't, who will?


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